We have been looking at the Brazillian pop artist Romero Britto and created our own pictures in his style. We had a great day in our new classes this afternoon. The new Year 5 class played different P.E. activities outside and helped each other though some team building activities. Yesterday in Literacy we worked together in pairs to match up different football industry jobs and their wages. When we found out the answers, some of the wages were quite surprising to us. We found it most surprising that footballers in the U.K earn thousands more than professional footballers in Kenya and football stitches only get 20p for each football they make! In pairs we then began to discuss and write down whether these were fair or unfair wages before coming to our own conclusion. In class 3W we have been thinking what the world is like. We thought hard and came up with lots of ideas as a group. Some ideas were: it is a safe place to be, it is a creative place made by God, it is better when it is clean and there is no rubbish in the world. We looked at our ideas as a group and each group has thought of one key question they would like to look at further and research next lesson. Our new topic for this half term is the World Cup which we are very excited about! In Literacy we have looked at how football has helped those suffering in parts of Northern Brazil to lead a better life away from violence. We role-played some of the characters we had looked at in the lesson. We had lots of fun playing table tennis and dodgeball during sports week! Well done to the blue team in Year 3 who won the dodgeball tournament. |